wildlife experience

magnificient territories
The CGRMP is the manager of the Matapedia and Patapedia rivers Wildlife Reserve, the Duniere Wildlife Reserve and the Site des Chutes et Marais, a 100% naturel salmon observation site.

i want to fish
salmon fishing is a way of life. our water plans will offer you an experience adapted to your needs .
Many rivers divided into sectors ready to offer the type of fishing that suits to you : public fishing without reservation and school fishing sector. Many other possibilities in a limited area : canoe trip for a day, three-days canoeing package in the heart of the wilderness, stay in pavilion with friends of family, high-end packages offered with the services of guide of experience and fishing area reserved. Trout fishing is also possible on the rivers or the stream of the Miners of the Wildlife reserve of Duniere.

i want to hunt
experience adrenaline at its maximum by hunting moose. different types of hunting offered depending of your style.
A variety of packages offered to suit your preferences : Basic hunting in camp or camping, bow hunting, crossbow and black powder, family hunting, adventure hunting, plan hunting Guided European without forgetting the famous hunt in American plan offered in a luxury format. Some packages also offered in double group. A spring bear hunting is also offered as well as a short game hunting season.

i want to enjoy
observe, learn, discover, relax, savor, contemplate, make new friends : live differently!
The wildlife and habitat of our territories is an endless repertoire of activities and observation opportunities that are as spectacular as each other.
- Let yourself be lulled by the beauty of the landscapes in one of our many hammocks near rivers.
a world to
Territories of national and
international reputation
Sound habitat management and service-oriented service delivery cherished value of fairness, accessibility and transparency.